Mayumi Sherburn – enhanced G…


Mayumi Sherburn – enhanced G…


In this composition, I feature six gourd shapes to create captured souls which are covered with the vagueness of webs. I have always had a fondness for gourd shapes as they resonate with the symbol of infinity. For me the shape has some kind of solidarity and calmness. ‘Gourd’ has a lucky meaning in Japanese culture, six gourds especially means to pray for being in sound health. Some people carry charms with six small gourds. ‘Mubyou sokusai 六瓢(無病)息災’ I pray in Japanese.

六瓢 mubyou: six gourds

無病 mubyou: no sickness

息災 sokusai: sound health

Size: 280mm x 330mm

Medium: Monoprint & mixed media

Status: For Sale

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