Fiona McGowan – I am the River, the River is Me I


Fiona McGowan – I am the River, the River is Me I

$210 each (#1 SOLD, #2 AVAILABLE)

“The Mana of the Māori is by the water” Titi Tohu. If I know myself as the river, how would I feel when human waste was dumped into my water by growing towns? How would I feel when my surrounding hills were “broken in” by settlers for pastoral farming and to this day bleed silt into the river and its tributaries? How would I feel if my river-bed was blasted and eel weirs removed so that riverboats could navigate further inland? How would I feel if my food basket wetlands became the municipal rubbish dump? How would I feel if my people lost access to their ancestral lands and villages? There is a worldwide movement to listen to the environmental knowledge of indigenous people in an effort to find solutions for our survival on this planet. I am the river, the river is me is a fundamental environmental concept of being one with the environment, not separate from it. Sharing and taking advice on the deep knowledge of the waters, the forests and the seasons will help heal, protect and honour our living earth.

Size: 120mm x 230mm (90mm height)

Medium: Ceramic

Status: For Sale

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