MB Stoneman- Dragon Arum


MB Stoneman- Dragon Arum


Described as possessing

an exotic vascular form

bulbous, with erect

palmate leaves

borne on petioles and sheaths

Large deep purple

aroid inflorescence

a shaft of such in-your-face

velvet phallic beauty

It’s no wonder

flies are strongly attracted

by the rotting

flesh smell emitted

from its ornamental

lush frilled margins

The Dragon Arum flower is known by many other names; Black Lily, Corpse Flower, Snake Lily, Voodoo Flower, Dragonwort, and it’s dramatic Latin name, Dracunculous Vulgaris.

Size: 73 x 86cm (Framed)

Medium: Monoprint, gold leaf

Status: For Sale

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