Tēnei au


Tēnei au

$750 each

This is saying that you are here and will do whatever needs to happen. The black shapes represent water and mountains and are about the challenges that each of us face and if you are able to work through those, you will be rewarded, as depicted by the stars. These aren’t instant rewards – would be cool if they were, but I believe that this tests our resolve to do the best, regardless of whether we recognise the rewards. This is also a depiction of the story of Father Abraham and the promise made to him. When I see a tukutuku panel, I see that promise realised in every stitch, each stitch is a person, connected to another, and another..

Size: 1090mm x 190mm x 50mm (Base: 200mm x 160mm x 6mm)

Medium: Acrylic and varnish on macrocarpa on metal stand

Status: For Sale

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