Vanessa Edwards, Hine-nui-te-po & Hine-titama


Vanessa Edwards, Hine-nui-te-po & Hine-titama

$850 each

It was Tanemahuta who was successful in separating Ranginui from Papatuanuku, and he too that sought to find the female essence to procreate and make man. So it was after much searching and exploring that at Kurawaka, the pubic region of Paptuanuku, Tane was instructed by his mother to create the female form from the red ochre sand hidden there.

She was Hine-ahu-one. Tane breathed life into her and she sneezed and was WOKE.

It was she that would nurture the first human life in her womb and so it was that Tanemahuta impregnated Hine-ahu-one and in time the first human, a female, was born. 

She is known as Hine-titama, being the dawn who binds earthly night to earthly day.  She would become Tanemahutas wife, not aware he was also her father, and they produced many children.  One day she asked who is my father Tane responded “Put your question to the post of the house” and she became WOKE that Tane was not only her husband, but also her father.  Hine-titama was shocked and angry that she had not known, not been aware and because of this she left Tane in the world of light to care for their children as she fled to Rarohenga, the underworld, never to be seen by him again.

It was then and there that Hine-titama became Hine-nui-te-po the goddess of the darkness/night/death. It is in this form that she welcomes her many children when they leave this world and cares for them in the afterlife.

It was Maui and his final deed that saw him intimately welcomed into Rarohenga by Hine-nui-te-po herself. As he tried to enter her when he thought she was asleep but she was WOKE and brought him to his end between her thighs. Only in death could he be welcomed into her care and because of this deed, every man thereafter.

These works acknowledge the ultimate WOKE women in our history.  Tihei Mauri Ora!

Size: 1003 x 380mm (each including framing)

Medium: oil pastel and acrylic paint

Status: Sold